Ignite Budapest #5 is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 17! Come out and watch our fantastic speakers give 5-minute presentations on various topics, each accompanied by a 20-slide powerpoint presentation.
The show starts at 8:00pm at Brody Studios (1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty u. 38.), with doors opening at 7:00pm. Admission of 1,000 Ft. (Brody members) or 1,500 Ft. (non-members), with a welcome drink to set the mood!
- Eleven speakers! (see summaries of talks below)
- PRESENTATION KARAOKE: audience members will have the opportunity to narrate a slideshow that they’ve never seen before.
see you there!

Theo Huffman
“Your dreams are your secret weapon!”
The Dreamwork movement liberated dreamers from passively lying on the analyst’s couch, where they had their dreams interpreted for them, and put them up on their feet, where they take the power of working with their dreams back to themselves. Recent years have seen an explosion of popularity for the phenomenon of “lucid dreaming” (becoming aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming) but a “secret weapon” that’s less known, and perhaps even more useful is dream incubation. With this method you begin having ongoing conversations with your dreams in which you ask questions, and your dreams give you answers.

Dániel Csángó
“Who is disabled?”
In my speech I’d like to present a new approach towards disability to prove the audience that ones physical condition is not what makes people be non-able. Its much rather our way of thinking and living that determine our abilities.

Bence Ács
“Living and working on a cruise ship”
Having worked for 3 years at sea I will share my stories and pictures, to give an insight into what it takes to live and work on an ocean liner, that carries 3500 guests each week, served by 1100 crew members.

Judit Jakab & Laura Neisz
“Your mind is a portable boombox”
Your mind is a portable boombox that plays the same cassette tapes over and over again. It’s time to observe, press the stop button and record new albums! We will have five minutes to introduce various interpretation errors of the mind and to give you some practical tools to overcome your thinking traps. Prepare for a fun session that will expose negative self-talk through short stories that you can relate to. Once the five minutes are up, you will be equipped to change those old tapes and record new ones to induce positive change in your life.

Rupert Slade
“How liberal has become a term of abuse”
Liberal used to be a positive word, but in recent years has become a popular term of abuse. Have we brought it on ourselves?

Gábor Salamon
“Motivation 3.0”
What motivates people to do 21st century jobs which need creativity, innovation and conceptual thinking? Do rewards and punishments make them working better?

Ági Szabó
“Hello AI, let’s be friends”
I plan to scrutinize the different aspects of the necessity of artificial intelligence in our everyday life and future possibilities.

Henry Scullion
“How to survive the robot apocalypse”
The 3 things you need to do to avoid your job being replaced by robots.

Gergely Szertics
“AI Transformation: how artificial intelligence is going to shape our everyday life”
AI and robotics is developing in an extreme pace and is changing our future. I would like to highlight some aspects of where AI is today, and where it is going in the near future, to close with some questions to think of about how man and machine are going to live together in the future. Are we going to be cyborgs? Are we going to try to control AI? Is AI going to take over? If so, how?

Gabriella Szilvási
“How to improve your communication using satir categories”
I’d like to introduce Virginia Satirs five communication types and show ways how these categories could be used to improve communication, in conflict resolution and also in enhancing the messages of any presentation.

Júlia Szűcs
“National identity in a global world”
My presentation is about what national identity means today, how our notions and feelings have developed over the past – with some personal stories, and what the future might look like.